In the complex world of Microsoft New Commerce Experience (NCE), you need a simple, clear path to more profit—and Ingram Micro Cloud delivers.
By investing deeply in your success, we make it easy for you to boldly move forward and blaze your own trail. All so you and your business can empower the world to do more.
Robert Pope Chief Commercial Officer
“Luckily, we’ve had Ingram Micro Cloud Cloud to help us navigate Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience successfully. From our monthly calls where they’ve advised us on the best approaches to keep us ahead of the market, to extremely informative webinars, we were able to migrate our business faster and more seamlessly with Ingram Micro Cloud.
“[When] we’ve had over £50k in orders waiting to be processed with a fast-approaching deadline, it didn’t matter whether it was past 10 p.m. or the weekend; The Ingram Micro Cloud Cloud team was always happy to jump on a call to support us.”
Bam Boom Cloud United Kingdom
Dave Morris Managing Director
“Like many other resellers, the last few years have presented many challenges. The global pandemic and changes to Microsoft’s licensing models have required some direction from leaders in their field, who can not only advise but also mentor partners through these challenges. RnD have been working with Ingram Micro Cloud for over 20 years. “The last 18 months have seen growth and prosperity in my business, which has come from not only the dedication of my own team but also individuals outside of my organisation”, said Dave Morris from RnD.
“It should be recognised that Nicola Millar has made an outstanding contribution in helping us over that said period. Her knowledge and dedication are unquestionably a class above other distributors we try and work with.
Some clear positives that Nicola has brought to my business
Microsoft rebate enablement and benefits, which we would never have known about. Microsoft partner changes. A heads up so we can be prepared for what training we need. What Technical training for engineers is available. Introduction to key vendor specialists within Cloud Market Place. Transition of Microsoft CSP to NCE transition. Would not be where we are today without Nicola
Thank you, Nicola, for all your help. You are my ‘fountain of Knowledge’.”
RnD Systems Integration United Kingdom
Jhonnathan Garcia Santana Director de Tecnología Lider de Infraestructura
“Desde la transición de Azure Global a Azure NCE y ahora con la inclusión de Microsoft 365 (ModernWork), hemos encontrado en el equipo de Ingram Micro Cloud un gran apoyo técnico y comercial. Hoy comprendemos al detalle cada condición del nuevo modelo NCE y nos sentimos seguros de tener el respaldo de una compañía como Ingram Micro Cloud.”
“Esta preparación para NCE y los procesos administrativos que conllevan las transacciones, han sido fruto de los permanente entrenamientos y asistencia de todo el equipo en Colombia de Ingram Micro Cloud”. Esto no solo nos da la tranquilidad con las nuevas condiciones, sino que también logramos comprender las condiciones de dejar algunos clientes nuestros en Legacy por condiciones del mercado.”
Q-Vision Technologies Colombia
Jean-Sébastien Brugalat BDM Microsoft Cloud & Modern Workplace
“Le savoir-faire et l’accompagnement au quotidien des équipes Cloud d’Ingram France sont nos meilleurs alliés dans notre passionnante évolution vers le New Commerce Expérience.
La montée en compétences, les animations commerciales ainsi que la qualité du support constituent des piliers essentiels de notre partenariat.
Une collaboration couronnée par un bel award à la meilleure croissance Cloud FY21 !
Depuis deux ans nous avons pu accompagner des PMEs et ETI vers des modes de consommations as a service via la marketplace Ingram autour des solutions Microsoft et son écosystème.
Longue vie à ce partenariat, de belles success stories communes nous attendent.”
JLL Informatique France
Colleen Mascherin Procurement/Quoting Specialist
“Our customers put a lot of trust in us at Netmon Inc, to get things done and look out for their best interest. NCE posed a major challenge that left gaps in the best way to move forward in supporting our customers. Ingram Micro Cloud’s Sales and Partner Success team members showed a lot of patience by explaining the details of what this transition means, resulting in a positive experience with our clients who were not impacted by this change.”
Netmon Inc. Canada
Akos Zsufa Directing Partner
“The Ingram Cloud team has been there at a moment’s notice to work with us and advocate about Microsoft solutions, on our behalf, plus helping us traverse this complicated new platform. It has been critical for us to have a strong partnership with the Ingram team to ensure that we are able to support our clients in their transition to the NCE program. Even though the Microsoft NCE program has several systemic issues our support from Ingram Micro Cloud has been excellent.”
ESW Canada
Carl Fransen CEO
“I found that using Ingram Micro Cloud’s White Glove service was essential to our move from CSP to NCE. This would have taken my staff days of painstaking work, manually adding a new NCE product, verifying the client and removing the old CSP license on every single subscription, per client.
All CTECH had to do was provide a simple Excel sheet of which subscriptions we wanted to be transferred. After we submitted it to the Ingram Micro Cloud Team, it was completed by the next business day.”
CTech Group Canada
David Reimer Director of Sales
“In January we launched a campaign with the goal of converting 100% of our customers to NCE by the end of March. The campaign included email, direct mailers, webinars and incentives. Not only did we accomplish our goal, but we also acquired net new NCE customers in the process. Ingram Micro Cloud was a key partner in making the NCE transition a seamless experience for our customers, especially given the short transitional timeframe. Both our delivery and sales teams have a great working relationship with Ingram Micro Cloud and appreciate the ongoing support they provide.”
Broadview Networks Canada
Maria Angélica Gómez Ramirez Directora Comercial
“Para Intelecto ha sido vital el acompañamiento y respaldo recibido por Ingram Micro Cloud en este nuevo camino con NCE de Micro Cloudsoft, pudiendo llevar la información y asesoría correcta a nuestros clientes y permitiéndonos hacer la diferencia en el mercado.“
Intelecto Colombia
James Wagner President
“Ingram Micro Cloud’s Microsoft Modern Workplace team is second to none. Navigating Microsoft’s NCE seemed overwhelming prior to engaging their team. They walked us through the program, becoming our NCE trail guides. We’ve tried other cloud distributors and the support we receive from Ingram, whether it be sales or technical Support, remains unmatched. The best part of their Partner Support are the value adds that allow my team to gain the knowledge they need in order to keep making us successful – Ingram Micro Cloud’s team has become part of ours. They’re always there to help.”
The ITeam Canada
Graham Lilley IT Services Support Team Leader
“The information we received from Ingram Micro Cloud prior to the NCE migration window was great! Their webinars were clear and concise for people with any level of knowledge needing to know what the path to NCE was and to understand what the migration would look like.
Due to the time constraints, system outages and other challenges we faced with the Microsoft/Ingram Micro Cloud systems, we had a single person doing the migrations, myself! At every step, Peter was there, be it a Teams message, a Teams call, video call, email, he was always filling us in with the latest status, and helping with support tickets, issues and general frustrations. He never once complained (other than the fact he needed yet another coffee!) and we always felt 100% supported by Peter.
We had numerous early morning/late night Teams calls to discuss options issues, and at no time did I wish we were with another partner. Ingram Micro Cloud went above and beyond in my opinion, thoroughly understanding that partners such as ourselves needed support and it was there, at every step of our journey. Huge thanks to Ingram Micro Cloud, for what was, a right royal pain, but my word, what support.”
Pinnacle United Kingdom
Diego Alejandro Quintero Merchan Director Comercial
“Cada vez más estrecha, se ha convertido la relación entre Ingram Micro Cloud y Malakai Soluciones viendo en ellos un verdadero aliado estratégico en los procesos de transformación digital que entregamos a nuestros clientes.
Queremos agradecer el esfuerzo, y todo el acompañamiento en la transición al New Commerce Experience que nos permitió migrar de manera exitosa a nuestros clientes al nuevo modelo de negocio que proporciona Microsoft sin generarles ningún impacto en su operación, garantizando un año más de trabajo hombro a hombro como su Partner Gold #1”
Malakai Soluciones Colombia
Paola Andrea Laguna Directora de Ventas
“Primero que todo desde Advanced IT estamos muy agradecidos por todo el apoyo brindado por Ingram Micro Cloud para hacer lo mas transparente posible el cambio a contrato NCE tanto de cliente nuevo como cliente que estaba renovando con nosotros. Ingram Micro Cloud nos comenzó a comunicar este cambio con bastante tiempo de antelación, brindándonos materiales de valor para nuestro equipo comercial y además, nos genero varias sesiones 1:1 con el equipo especialista de ellos y nuestro equipo comercial, con esta información nosotros desde Advanced IT logramos generar un webinar para clientes donde también comunicamos los cambios y el nuevo modelo de licenciamiento. También nos apoyo mucho la promoción que surgió en torno a descuentos que nos apoyo en nuestro proceso de renovación hacia NCE.
Durante un mes, estuvimos trabajando con el apoyo del equipo de Ingram Micro Cloud en sesiones 1:1 y consultas directas que iban surgiendo durante el proceso que se iba llevando a cabo con los clientes. Adicionalmente, también nos apoyaron con el área administrativa para que estos cambios no trajeran impacto en los procesos de renovación que se venia trabajando con los clientes.
Al día de hoy, nosotros somo venimos trabajando NCE pues hemos apoyado a nuestros clientes en entender este modelo de contrato gracias al apoyo brindado por Ingram Micro Cloud.”
Advanced IT de Colombia Colombia
Marcin Rudziński Sales Director
“Firma Ingram Micro Cloud od początku wspiera nas w poznaniu i działaniu z Microsoft New Commerce Experience. Nasze zamówienia sa obsługiwane tak szybko jak to jest możliwe I bez żadnych problemów. Dzięki spotkaniom online, konsultacjom I rozmowom mogliśmy zaproponować naszym Klientom najlepsze z możliwych ścieżki migracji ich środowisk do nowej rzeczywistości. Moim zdaniem firma posiada doświadczenie I rozległą wiedzę do realizacji zleconych zamówień, a odpowiedzi na zapytania są profesjonalne, na wysokim poziomie technicznym I jakościowym.”