Cybersecurity podcast July 2022 | How to keep your applications safe!
This month’s cybersecurity podcast revolves around the questions; how can we keep our applications safe? And how can we help the developers of those applications to keep them safe without bothering them in their process. 

Applications are the nr. 1 place hackers use to access your environment. In this episode Jaap Klapwijk talked with Stefan van der Wal about the attacks on the application of British Airways and a DDoS attack on a Dutch care institute.
Read the cybersecurity news articles here...
British Airways breached

The application of British Airways used to book flights was compromised resulting in stolen data of 380.000 customers. Their credit card information was sent to British Airways as well to the malicious actors. 
DDoS attack

A local care institute was targeted by a DDoS attack resulting in an overload on the cloud servers. This meant the electronic patient file of hundreds of patients could not be consulted. This of course could have had serious consequences. 
About Stefan van der Wal and Barracuda
When using Applications, it is nice to know there are products available to keep you safe. Stefan van der Wal is working as a consultant at Barracuda to help our partners to do just that. There’s only one thing he hates more than bad application security and that is bad people AKA cyber villains.

With years of experience in the field, he can help you to firstly get to know your applications and secondly automate the security aspect on them. Barracuda can help with their Web Application.

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