Cybersecurity podcast March 2022 | Why the SMB also needs to fear malware!
This month’s cybersecurity podcast revolves around malware and how it is dangerous for every business, doesn’t matter the size of it. We take a deep dive with Candid Wüest from Acronis in the Stuxnet virus and other kind of malware that is focused on much smaller corporations. In half an hour you get new stories to share with you customers to proof the dangers of malware. Listen to the podcast below.
The articles we talked about...
There's a War Going On But No One Can See It

This is the book Jaap refers to while talking about how malware is everywhere and always present. The book enlightens the reader on some of the biggest hacks in the world. It gives insights in the real-life consequences of these virtual attacks! If you are ready to learn a lot about cybersecurity, this book is for you!
Stuxnet Analysis
Stuxnet is one of the most famous malware examples. So of course we have discussed this during our podcast session. We've discussed the impact the Stuxnet had on an Iranian powerplant.
Credit card skimmer piggyback on magento 1 hacking spree
The article Jaap and Candid discuss regarding how SMB websites where targeted for a credit card scam. The hackers exploited an outdated plugin on magento websites. When customers paid for their order, their credit card data was stolen and sent to the hackers. Read the full article here.
About our guest: Candid Wüest
Candid Wüest has accumulated extensive experience in the field of IT security for the past 20 years. Since 2020, he is the VP of Cyber Protect Research at Acronis. From 2003-2020, he was employed by Symantec Switzerland. As Principal Threat Researcher he evaluated current and future trends in the threat landscape and researched new protection methods.
Prior to this Candid analyzed computer viruses for the Symantec Anti-Malware Lab in Dublin and created malware signatures. He also worked for the Global Security Analyzing Lab of IBM Research in Rüschlikon and for Creative Netconsulting which he co-founded as Chief Security Officer (CSO). Candid did his master in computer science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH).

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